This world spins at over 20,000 mph around our sun at just the right distance for us to have liquid water. Our minds work well enough to discover cures for common illnesses that, though once fatal, are no longer a threat. Our God sent His one and only son into the world to change the course of human history.
I suppose we could debate whether God is "in control" of this world? Does He merely know what is going to happen like a far off observer? Does He make every detail pay attention as He calls the shots? Does free will exist or is it just an illusion? Are we watching from a cave dealing only with the perception of reality? Does anyone even know what reality is?
I guess that's why God calls us to faith? Faith, after all, is not a certainty. Faith is hoping in the unseen and praying that what we see is not all there is. Faith-trust- is a very different creature than its cousin, knowing. Knowledge makes claims to reality; faith allows reality to be made known. There is a pride in knowledge, a hope of controlling our destiny by utilizing the truth, a hubris that this world can be manipulated. Knowledge can undermine faith.
My faith tells me that God controls our universe in a way that is far too complex for me to understand. I don't know how God brought my wife and I together so that our son would come into the world. We are such a chain of improbabilities that randomness does not solve the puzzle. My calling to Kenwood has seemed strange at times but blatantly obvious at others. There is no doubt that my family and I belong right here.
Perhaps the reason we struggle with God's providence is that we don't like the choices He has made for us. Maybe the problem lies with our faith and not God's choices.
What do you think?
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