Saturday, April 4, 2020

VIDEO: 4-5-20 Sermon "RADICAL HOPE: Character Produces Hope"

As we gather together this Sunday in our own homes, we would ask you to sing with the worship videos.  Pray for one another.  Watch my message about Radical Hope.  We want to encourage you to take the Lord’s Supper in your home at 10:00am.  In this way, we can take communion together even though we are apart.



For communion you can read, Luke 22:19 & 20, "And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.'  In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, 'This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'"  Following the reading of Scripture, you can continue with a time of silent reflection followed by a prayer. Here is a potential communion prayer to say before you take the bread and the juice.  “Lord, we pray that You would still our minds and quiet our hearts as we approach this communion today. We ask that You would draw each one of us into ever closer fellowship with Yourself, as we partake together of the bread and the cup - in grateful remembrance of what You did for each one of us, on Calvary’s cross.  Help us, Lord, to approach this communion with reverence and godly fear, as we share together in the bread and the cup.  Amen."  Take the bread and the cup.


Pray for one another as we deal with the world as it is today.  People are sick.  People are losing loved ones.  People are out of work.  People are scared.

Pray for those who are in the hospital that cannot see family or friends.  Pray for kids who are separated from their parents.  Pray for protection for people who are in the hospital that do not have COVID-19.

Pray for healthcare workers who are in contact with COVID-19 patients.



Memorize one of the quotations from this message (Biblical or secular). Share those words with someone else to encourage them to continue with character. Identify one area in your life where you need to persevere more in order to develop character in that area.

Love one another!

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