Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Forwarding Hope (the idea behind our FORWARDING HOPE email challenge from 4-9-20)

I catch myself feeling trapped and imprisoned.  COVID-19 has seemingly put life on hold.  So many things need done, but they will just have to wait.  Or will they?

Palm Sunday has come with its hosannas and palm branches.  Easter has passed with its glory and splendor.  We are excited because Jesus is our hope.  Jesus is our reason to keep on even though life is very different.  In fact, the world is so different that we are gaining new opportunities along with the challenges.   

I noticed that my blog is receiving many more visits than ever.  In fact, more people are hearing the Word from our “pulpit” now than on any Sunday in recent memory.  People are hearing the Word of God proclaimed.  Some of those people may have never been able to walk through the doors of Kenwood Church.  Some may have never heard the gospel without COVID-19.  Our doors may be closed to our physical presence, and, yet, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is moving forward anyway.

Forward is an appropriate word following holy week.  The glory of Palm Sunday had to make the disciples wonder where this was all going.  The hopefulness in the room as they celebrated the Passover must have been exciting.  Then His followers would feel the weight of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion and undoubtedly feel like there was no way out.  All hope was lost.  But was it?
Going forward, they would find an empty tomb, the hope of the entire world.  Going forward, they would discover salvation for the nations.  Going forward, they would find the purpose of their lives.  Going forward, the world would be changed by the grace offered in Jesus Christ.

If we stop in the present or continually look back at the past, we cannot move forward.  We cannot get where God would have us go.  What if God is trying to get us somewhere right now?  What if this pandemic is an opportunity from God waiting for us to move forward?  This will not be the end of the church or our final chance to make a difference.  This is our great opportunity.

I have included challenges at the conclusion of my messages for many months now.  I have a new challenge for us all.  Let’s move the good news of Jesus FORWARD.  Let’s help others hear about the hope that is in Jesus.  Let’s give people the Good News in the midst of all of the bad news.  Let’s use this time as our opportunity to move FORWARD.

I challenge you to FORWARD HOPE to others who need the hope that can be found in Jesus.  Send them a note saying they can find hope at  If they just click on, they can hear the Good News.  With this movement FORWARD, we want to bring in as many people to the Kingdom of God as possible.  As we continue to move FORWARD with new technology, we want to reach out to those we might never meet this side of glory.  Let us change the world by moving the story of Jesus FORWARD.

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