One of the theories for the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 claims there was no miracle at all. The shame and guilt felt by the crowd as they heard of the selfless sharing of a young boy made everyone else reach into their cloak and bring out their secret stash of goodies. I am amazed how we can try to talk ourselves out of believing that God can do what He says He can do. Seriously, God can create the universe but not summon up a simple meal for a few thousand people.
Simple answers, convenient truth, understandable results, un-miraculous explanations. What is the problem with mystery? Why do we want to take God out of the equation and insert natural causes? Why do we limit God to parlor tricks and coincidental timing? Why is it easier to believe that 5,000+ people felt the same shame and acted in the same manner than the Son of God just created a meal out of thin air? Why?
Perhaps we need to take our doubting ways and add a side of shame to that.
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