Thursday, August 29, 2019

SEEKING THE HEART OF JESUS: A Heart That Challenges - Jesus and Pilate (A blog post for a sermon to be preached at Kenwood Church in Livonia, MI, on September 1, 2019)

Have you ever been "caught between a rock and a hard place?"  Pilate did.  Convict Jesus with less than convincing accusations or release a troublemaker back into the public.  Take sides in a schoolyard scuffle or let the drama play out.  Go against God's people or condemn the son of God.

Politics as usual won out on that day.  Pilate seemed more concerned about himself than his people or the Messiah.  History tells us that following his decision he was called back to Rome.  One version of history has him killing himself after his return.  Either way choosing self over truth seems to have gotten him nowhere.

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