In this age of science, we learn every day that we don't know everything. In fact, some days we learn that what we thought was fact is actually fiction (i.e. Pluto is a planet.) We discover often in our technologically driven world that old patterns of thinking, while held as conventional for many years, may in fact not be correct.
What if the old notions that there are no miracles, everything has a natural cause and effect, our universe has no connection to a spirit world beyond our grasp, God is dead are all faulty. What if the idea that our universe is a closed system is wrong? What if the idea that there is no God is an outdated idea? What if the synchronization of science and faith just simply isn't possible? What if denial of the existence of God is just a remnant of the fallen thinking of people who do not want to see what is right before their eyes?
What if . . .
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