Sunday, November 15, 2020

Video: 11-15-20 Elders Update

Good morning,


The elders have reached a decision about our near term worship service options.


The elders feel that we must make decisions out of concern, love and an abundance of caution for our church family.


We remain very concerned with the current spike in COVID-19 cases including in our community and surrounding communities.


Additionally, we are very concerned about the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday and the potential spread that may happen with families and friends gathering to celebrate.


At this time we believe the best option is to remain in the parking lot through December.  We will also continue to offer our online worship alternatives.


We have been blessed for the most part with good weather for our parking lot services.  If we have a very cold or snowy/icy Sunday we will send an email on that Sunday morning sharing that we will be “Online Only” – the same as we would have for a stormy day in the warmer months.


We will continue to review the pandemic situation and look to re-evaluate our worship service options as we enter January.   It is our hope, like everyone, to return to a more “normal” life as quickly as possible while taking into account what is acceptable risk for as many of our church family members as possible.


Thank you again for your support and prayers.

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